Son Nguyen

How Hard Is It To Hire Outsourced Software Team?

Outsourcing Software Engineering?When we hear the word “outsourcing”, we are typically inclined to associate it with rather pessimistic views. This can be predominantly due to the unprofessional approach of most clients that entails that the company budget is the utmost priority. This evidently leads to dissatisfaction and the term “outsourcing” suffers. However, outsourcing software engineering is a How Hard Is It To Hire Outsourced Software Team?

Introducing the CyberDevOps brand

Manifera is pleased to announce that we have introduced our new brand CyberDevOps! While Manifera is focusing on custom made software development of software applications and systems and providing Offshore Software Development Teams to our customers, CyberDevOps will focus on translating customer’s developed Proof of Concepts software applications into Minimum Viable Products and beyond into Introducing the CyberDevOps brand