Outsourcing / Offshoring / Remote teams

What Is Offshore Software Development Outsourcing?

The Basic Concept Offshoring is simply a form of outsourcing where you decide to have your workload transferred to companies or freelance professionals overseas. Taking into consideration the fast pace of the software development industry’s growth, offshore software development outsourcing for technological and cost-reduction purposes is a natural business move. When you decide to offshore What Is Offshore Software Development Outsourcing?

Roles in outsourcing software development

Outsourcing software development today is no longer just a simple relationship between buyer and supplier where the main goal is to safe costs for the buyer and increase revenue for the supplier. Especially in software development, long term relationships are valued highly because technology and skills can be leveraged for better business results. This shift Roles in outsourcing software development

Keys to Making Your Outsourced Software Project a Success

How to make your outsourced software project to a success? With the increase of new information technology and the desire of businesses to take advantage of lower costs of production and skilled labor in other (developing) countries, the export of software development has increased significantly. Offshore software development is a big industry, but sometimes offshore Keys to Making Your Outsourced Software Project a Success

Managing the largest risks in Global Software Development

MANAGING THE LARGEST RISKS IN GLOBAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT These are the biggest risks in outsourcing software development, found in a study by Nakatsu and Iacovou: 1. Lack of top management commitment: The project can face challenges such as political battles, delays and rejection if management is not giving any meaningful support. To ensure support from Managing the largest risks in Global Software Development

What Is Custom Software Development?

What is custom software development? Custom software development is primarily the development of software for clients who require a software which satisfies all the specific needs of their business. Such programming is intended to address their requirements correctly. Such a software is ordinarily made only for that particular business and client. A custom developed software application What Is Custom Software Development?

What are the advantages of outsourcing software development? 

You may think that the sole motivation for outsourcing software development projects offshore is the reduction in cost. However, over the past years, offshore software development has proved to be much more advantageous than just the cost-cutting. Besides the obvious financial aspects, the outsourcing of software development brings much more to the table regarding business What are the advantages of outsourcing software development? 

Offshore software development jobs in Vietnam

Vietnam is among the top-grossing offshore software development countries, with a vast and capable infrastructure and skilled, professional engineers at your disposal. The country has evolved in the essence of IT and software development and has upgraded their potential services and skills regarding programming and software development. With a tough economy, Vietnam has, it is Offshore software development jobs in Vietnam